24 Hours of Reality Brings You
November 4, 2015
World leaders will assemble in Paris at the end of this month to bang out a global agreement to tackle climate change. Considering the deal cements the steps that 196 countries will take to save our planet, COP 21—aka the Paris Climate Conference—marks one of the most anticipated climate conversations in history.
No surprise, then, that people all around the world are speaking up and calling for leaders to get serious about climate solutions in Paris. And on November 13-14, The Climate Reality Project and Live Earth are turning up the volume before the powwow with 24 Hours of Reality: The World Is Watching. Hosted by former US Vice President and Climate Reality Chairman Al Gore, this day of climate action and great music is bringing millions across the planet together with artists, elected officials, and cultural icons to share one message for leaders heading to Paris: Take climate action now.
Joining Vice President Gore to add their voices on 24 Hours of Reality will be leading politicians like French President François Hollande and California Governor Jerry Brown, television anchors like Vanessa Hauc and Sam Champion, and actors like Ryan Reynolds and Calum Worthy, to name just a few. The broadcast begins at 3pm EST, and follows the story of climate impacts and solutions happening everywhere from Sub-Saharan Africa to the Western US, Australia to China, and Latin America to Indonesia,
Earth to Paris, These are your People Speaking
From a parched California to catastrophic flooding in the Carolinas, the stark realities of climate change are being seen across the country, and the globe.
Now is the time to get informed and make your voice heard at a time when you can make a real difference. Take action today with Climate Reality and 24 Hours of Reality. Connecting the best climate science, solutions and stories of progress in the climate fight, this precursor to COP 21 is our chance to help stop global warming and create a healthy and prosperous future powered by clean energy.
Visit the site, get informed and tune in to 24 Hours of Reality via the live webcast on November 13-14.
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Join The Climate Movement
With a landmark climate action agreement in place including commitments from 196 countries to fight climate change, now is the time to keep the pressure on and ensure swift action. This climate agreement wouldn’t have happened without millions of people around the world taking action. And we won’t be able to meet the ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement without millions and millions more people taking action in support of a rapid transition to clean energy. Paris was just the beginning, not the end. Let’s get to work towards a greener, cleaner future. Add your voice to the millions demanding action and sign the petition today!