Two Truths And a Lie: How Well Do You Know Ben & Jerry’s Trivia?


Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Shoppe

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!

We’re not usually interested in lying. Like, at all. We’re super proud of all the weird and wonderful stuff we do around here, and are ecstatic to share it with fans like you. No smoke and mirrors, no dubious claims, no vague answers — that’s not how we roll.

Except for today.

Today we’re going to use some judicious lying to test you on your Ben & Jerry’s trivia. You know the game: Two Truths and A Lie. We give you three statements, and you guess which one is false. Put on your thinking cap, and get ready to spot the lies:

  1. 1: Which of these factoids about Free Cone Day is a lie?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  2. 2: Which one of these is falser than a plastic cherry?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  3. 3: Which of these is NOT a real Ben & Jerry’s flavor from around the globe?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  4. 4: And which of these interesting factoids isn’t real?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  5. 5: Which one of these so-called facts about Chocolate Chip Cookie dough doesn’t pass muster?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  6. 6: Which of these weird things are NOT at the Ben & Jerry’s offices?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  7. 7: Which of these things about Scoop Shops is falsitty-false-false?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  8. 8: Which of these flavor facts is completely unreal?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  9. 9: Which of these factoids about Non-Dairy is false?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  10. 10: Which of these flavors is NOT in the Flavor Graveyard?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!