QUIZ: Can You Solve These Ben & Jerry’s Flavor Puzzles?


Pop Pint Quiz

Ready to be stumped? Put on your thinking cap (ours is an upside down empty Phish Food pint, and we hope yours is, too), and get ready to dive into these deliciously devious flavor puzzles! If you get them all right, we suggest you polish off a whole pint to celebrate.

  1. 1: What flavor is this?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  2. 2: And what about this one?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  3. 3: And this one?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  4. 4: How about this one?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  5. 5: And what about this tough one?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  6. 6: And what's this one?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!