QUIZ: Gerrymandered District or Inkblot Test


Remember those trippy inkblot tests you learned about in Psych 101? Do you think you could tell the difference between inkblots and maliciously redrawn - commonly known as gerrymandered - voting district? Don’t laugh: it’s harder than you might think.

Gerrymandering isn’t just redrawing a congressional district, it’s specifically when a political party redraws a congressional district to gain an electoral advantage. In other words: stacking the deck to win elections. The effect is your vote mattering less—and a bunch of bizarrely shaped districts.

Grab a pint of Half Baked, or whatever else will inspire you, and get to work. The fate of our democracy hangs in the balance!

  1. 1: Gerrymandered district or inkblot test?
    Gerrymandered district or inkblot test?
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  2. 2: Gerrymandered voting district or inkblot test?
    Gerrymandered district
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  3. 3: Gerrymandered voting district or inkblot test?
    Gerrymandered district
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  4. 4: Gerrymandered voting district or inkblot test?
    Gerrymandered district
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  5. 5: Gerrymandered voting district or inkblot test?
    Louisiana voting district.
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  6. 6: Gerrymandered voting district or inkblot test?
    a voting district in Ohio.
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