August 16, 2017
In the wake of the startling events of last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, we are shocked and saddened by the blatant, violent displays of racism and hatred. This is not us, America. We’re better than this. And we can overcome this groundswell of bigotry and hostility if we work together for equality and peace. It may not be easy, but human dignity and equal rights for all Americans are worth the fight.
Here’s how you can combat hate in your community and help build a better tomorrow, courtesy of our friends at the Anti-Defamation League:
Sign the Petition: Call on President Trump to Disavow White Supremacy.
Text ACTION to 51555 to receive ADL Action Alerts.
Attend the 23rd Annual ADL in Concert Against Hate.
Share our educational resources with Educators and Administrators at your school.
Urge Congress to help improve federal data on hate crimes by supporting the NO HATE Act (S. 662/HR 1566).
Write an op-ed and send it to your local paper.
Apply for the Glass Leadership Institute and lead the next generation in fighting hate.
Donate to ADL’s Washington, DC Region to support our efforts in combating anti-Semitism and hate in Virginia.