September 3, 2019
We are flipping our lids over our newest flavor! Meet Justice ReMix’d, a new flavor featuring cinnamon and chocolate ice creams, gobs of cinnamon bun dough, and spicy fudge brownies. And the best part? Justice ReMix’d also has a sweet swirl of justice under the lid.
Justice For All?
We launched Justice ReMix’d in partnership with The Advancement Project National Office, a multi-racial civil rights organization that works with local grassroots organizers on racial justice issues. We believe justice should be for everyone, not just the white and wealthy. So we’re speaking out in the best way we know of — with a euphoric ice cream flavor — for an end to structural racism in our broken criminal legal system.
We started in Washington, DC, by announcing the new flavor one day before the Miami-Dade County School Board is expected to address issues that impact the school-to-prison pipeline.
Systemic racism and criminal justice reform are big issues for a business to take on, but we’ve been advocates for social justice and equity throughout our 40 year history. “Our approach to creating social change is to raise up the work non-profits are doing on the ground,” said Co-Founder Ben Cohen. “We bring every resource we have to support them—our business voice, our connection with fans, our Scoop Shop community and of course, ice cream. Somehow, it’s easier to talk about difficult issues over a scoop or two.”
“Our country needs to invest in services that build up communities rather than those that tear them down,” said Advancement Project National Office Executive Director Judith Browne Dianis. “That means ending a wealth-based pre-trial detention system that locks people up because they are poor, Black or Brown. It means dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline, divesting from criminalizing students, and investing in the creation of high-quality education and services. It’s time to reimagine safety and justice.”
At the local level, we’re working with Advancement Project and Miami’s Power U Center for Social Change, which is run by local students and youth leaders. They are calling on the Miami-Dade County School Board to prioritize funding for mental health professionals and other student support services instead of more security and surveillance. This summer we brought our Scoop Truck all over Miami—to community events and pop-ups—to generate conversation, listen to community members, and give away plenty of ice cream.
“Research shows that both citations and arrest rates for low-level offenses like disobedience or defiance substantially increase when police are assigned to schools,” said James Lopez, Executive Director of Power U. “And students of color are disproportionately affected. Once arrested, these students are expelled or suspended, pushing them out of school and into the criminal justice system where they will face a lifetime of consequences. School arrests are an example of racial disparity and systemic racism that require deep, structural change; not more police officers.”
Ready to dig in to the hard work of making criminal justice reform a reality? Start by grabbing a spoon and a pint of Justice ReMix’d! Find it near you here, or ask for it at your local Scoop Shop!