QUIZ: How Well Do You Know the Criminal Justice System?


A gavel on top of money marked bail

If you read the news, or watch the news, or eat our ice cream, then you probably know that the criminal justice system is, well, criminally lacking in justice. 

Think you have a handle on just how broken the system really is? Well, we worked with our partner, Advancement Project National Office, to put together a quick quiz to test your knowledge. 

  1. 1: In 2018, how many Americans were barred from voting because of a prior felony conviction?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  2. 2: How many states do not restrict the voting rights of citizens with a felony conviction?
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  3. 3: Although Black students represented only 15% of the overall student population during the 2015-2016 school year, they made up ___% of the students arrested or referred to law enforcement.
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  4. 4: In comparison to white female students nationally, Black girls are ___ times more likely to be arrested.
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  5. 5: How many students in the US attend a school that employs a school police officer but no guidance counselor?
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  6. 6: By how much has America’s detention of immigrants grown over the last two years?
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  7. 7: Which state has the highest immigrant detention population?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!
  8. 8: What is the number-one complaint voiced by immigrants who are detained?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!


Clearly our criminal justice system needs to be transformed—and we’re honored to be working with Advancement Project to do just that. But we need your help! Stand with us and take action!

All stats and figures provided by Advancement Project National Office.