QUIZ: Which New Flavor Should I Get At The Scoop Shop?


Lineup of Scoop Shop items, including a cup of ice cream, a fresh packed pint, milkshake, and sundae.

There’s so much to love about visiting your local Scoop Shop — the irresistible smell of waffle cones, the chill vibes, the flavors for every possible craving. But there is one thing that can be a real challenge: picking a flavor. With so many delicious chunks and swirls to choose from, it’s a deliciously daunting task. Take the quiz and we’ll tell you exactly which new flavor you should order next time you come see us:

  1. 1: What kind of flavor do you usually go for?
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  2. 2: How much do you like chunky ice cream?
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  3. 3: Okay, let’s talk about swirls. What’s your take?
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  4. 4: How are you going to order your flavor?
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  5. 5: What’s your idea of a perfect summer day?
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  6. 6: Is there such a thing as too many chunks in an ice cream flavor?
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  7. 7: Who are you enjoying your flavor with?
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  8. 8: What would be the best place to enjoy Ben & Jerry’s ice cream?
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  9. 9: What’s your reaction when you smell that iconic waffle cone smell outside your Scoop Shop?
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  10. 10: You just got your order. Are you ’Gramming it for the followers?
    Oops! Please choose an answer!