Top 10 Ben & Jerry's Flavors of 2024
We crunched the numbers, and these are the top 10 Ben & Jerry’s flavors that fans scooped up in 2024! Is your favorite on the list?
Did you know that even though our state has some of the lowest crime and incarceration rates in the US, elected officials in Montpelier are proposing to spend more than $70 MILLION on a new prison? Spending tens of millions of dollars to incarcerate just about 100 women, more than half of whom are simply awaiting their trial….that just doesn’t make sense to us.
Building an expensive new women’s prison ignores the real issues we’re facing. The cost of living in Vermont is skyrocketing, affordable housing is almost impossible to find, and we’re in desperate need of substance-use and mental-health services.
We need to spend our hard-earned dollars on things like housing support, violence intervention, job training, and healthcare that will help women, strengthen our communities, and address the root causes of incarceration.
Join us and take action: Tell Vermont legislators and Governor Scott it’s time to invest in women not prisons.