September 21, 2016
You probably thought Halloween and International Talk Like a Pirate Day were they only important days of fall. Ha! Boy do you look embarrassed.
Nope, there’s another important day this season — your voter registration deadline. And it’s important because in 35 US states, you will only be able to cast your vote on Election Day if you register before that date. (Those last 15? Those are the rockstar states that let voters register on Election Day.) So registering to vote is as important as keeping your freezer stocked with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. (Okay, maybe even more important.)
Everything You Need To Know
Voting can be a confusing process. But the payoff is huge. Not voting is like walking into a Scoop Shop and letting the Scoopers make any ol’ sundae or cone for you, regardless of what you like. But when you vote, that’s your voice speaking up for your Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and for your country.

Take Action Now!
Let us answer a few questions for you:
I’m Not Sure If I’m Registered or Not. How Can I Find Out?
Most states have an online voter database where you can look up your registration status. Find your state on this list and see if it’s available where you live. If it’s not, you can contact your city’s municipal offices to check your registration status.
Can I Just Re-Register Instead?
Yep, there’s nothing wrong with just re-registering if you aren’t sure of your registration status. It will simply override your past registration with whatever new information you provide.
I Am Not Registered to Vote. How Do I Do It?
You’re in luck! Registering is as easy as pie – er, ice cream. You can even do it right here.
I’ve Moved Since I Last Registered. Do I Need to Register Again?
Yes. If you have changed your address since you last registered, you will have to re-register to make sure you are on the registration rolls at your new polling place. Even if you have moved within the same voting district, it’s important that they have your most up-to-date information.
I’ve Changed My Name Since I Last Registered. Do I Need To Register Again?
Yes, you will need to re-register with your new name. Use the same process you would use to register for the first time.

If I Registered Before The Last Election, Am I Still Registered?
Yes! If you haven’t changed your name or address since you last registered, you are still registered to vote and don’t need to do anything.
I’m a College Student. How Do I Register?
As a college student, you can choose to vote in the district where you live at school, or via absentee ballot in your home district. (Or by going home to vote in person, we’re pretty sure Mom would love to see you.) Learn more here about the ins and outs of voting as a student.
When Do I Need to Register By?
This varies by state, and can be anywhere from early October right up until Election Day. Find your state here and see what your registration deadline is.
Already registered? Whoop whoop! You're a voting rockstar. Don't be afraid to share your awesomeness with the Twitter-verse:
Already registered to vote? Go you! Retweet to let the world know.
— Ben & Jerry's (@benandjerrys) September 23, 2016
And don’t forget to mark your calendars for November 8th and cast your vote!