Work Your Core:
10 Ways to Work Out With a Core Pint

March 2, 2016

Cores pints at the gym with workout gear.

Workout trends change faster than anybody can keep up with. So from boot camps to conquering Everest via virtual reality goggles, we’re adding ice cream to the mix for a plan that won’t fade with the next fad. Power your core from the inside out with Ben & Jerry’s 10 Core Pint Workouts and prepare to taste immediate results. Just remember to stretch and consult your local freezer section before diving into any rigorous activities.

  1. Core Pint Pyramids

    Core pints aren’t just snackable, they’re stackable. Feel the burn while building your ice cream edifice toward the sky. Start with your chocolate flavors at the bottom, and build up to the caramel and peanut butter peak.

  2. Loose Lids Challenge

    The Loose Lids Challenge is all about popping off as many Cores pint tops as possible, while building wicked thumb, finger and forearm strength. After three minutes on the stopwatch, ice tired hands around a pint of your favorite Core flavor.

  3. Deep Salty Caramel Squat

    Nestle a Core pint between your chin and chest (we recommend Salted Caramel or Karamel Sutra for this exercise.) Maintaining a straight back, bend your knees and lower your hips to a deep squat. Feel the salty burn as you press back up.

  4. Freezer Section Wind Sprints

    Here, weave your way through a freezer-aisle obstacle course of pizza and microwavable meat loaf while pushing a shopping cart piled high with assorted Cores pints. Dropped one in front of the vegetable section? Start back at the beginning.

  5. Oblique Cookie Crunches

    Peanut Buttah Cookie Core’s Crunchy Peanut Butter Sugar Bits are so crunchy that they’ll activate your oblique muscle group while still in your mouth. That’s what we call eat-xercise.

  6. Synchronized Stirring

    Just in time for this summer's Olympics, grab a buddy and practice your syncronized pint stirring routine. Annnnd left, left, right, right, left, all together now! Let’s make America proud, people.

  7. Cores Pint Curls

    From tiny seeds grow Schwarzenegger-sized biceps. Start light, with a spoon full in each hand. Then step up to fully formed scoops. When you're ready for more, grab a full Cores pint in each hand. Pump until your body says hasta-la-vista, baby.

  8. Pole Pint Shimmy

    For the championship—first one to shimmy up a pole and pirouette back down with pair of Cores pints in their hands wins. 

  9. The Shot-Pint

    Instead of throwing a heavy round ball really far, this exercise is more about proper alignment and efficient motion. Perch a Cores pint in your flat hand, wind up, and thrust it as far as its caramel will go.

  10. Core Pint Poses

    This deep Cores workout will power up your poses, while you power down some ice cream. Start with downward facing dog, segue into happy baby and finish in shavasana, while massaging your inner-core with mouthfuls of Spectacular Speculoos.